How a Mom Honors the Memories of Her Lost Son

Jackie’s late son Danny posing with Minnie and Mickey at Disney in the fall of 1989.

We snap pictures at the drop of a hat these days. Interesting dinner? Take a picture. Dog in a funny pose? Take a picture. Family snuggled together watching a movie? Take several pictures from every angle imaginable.

But while we’re busy taking these pictures, we rarely stop to think about the importance of each one—or how significant and powerful these photos might one day become.

ScanMyPhotos customer Jackie, however, knows all too well the incredible value photos can have.

“My son Danny passed away in 1990—he was only 12. After I sent my pictures to ScanMyPhotos, I gave two other family members the extra sets so that if anything ever happened, the pictures of Danny would always be around. That’s what I wanted to do the most by scanning my print photos—I needed to preserve his memory.”

Now Jackie can view nearly every photo of her son with a few clicks of a mouse.

“I searched the Internet a number of years ago as I’ve always been planning to get my photos on discs. But I never did anything about it until we moved into a smaller space and I suddenly didn’t have a place to store my 30+ albums. That’s when I found ScanMyPhotos.”

Jackie sent in approximately 3,500 photos to scan. The pictures contained everything from her baby photos to pics of her in the Girl Scouts to precious memories of Danny.

Jackie in front of her old San Fransisco home.

“The most important pictures were the ones of my son—that’s why it was helpful to work with Shannon at ScanMyPhotos. I was very worried the only photos I have of Danny might get lost or damaged in some way. But the pictures I sent in came back in less than a week. I was very pleased with the job and with how helpful Shannon was—she was such a sweetheart and really really helped me with the whole process.”

Photos of Danny are now safely in the hands of his closest relatives and often make appearances on Jackie’s Facebook page.

“My cover photo is of Danny in the fall of 1989 at Disney with Minnie and Mickey for his Make-A-Wish trip. Everyone on Facebook is always so happy to see the pictures I share. I’ll get comments like ‘Oh, you were so young!’ or ‘these memories are so great, it’s wonderful to see Danny’.”

Now that her photos have been scanned and preserved, Jackie often goes back and relives her memories—connecting with the past in ways that many of us take for granted.

So, next time you take a picture, stop and think about the significance. And don’t forget to enjoy the moment before it passes by.


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