The Surprise Anniversary Gift that Garnered Happy Tears

anniversary gift

We all know that classic love story where two kids grow up next door to each other and eventually fall in love, get married, and live a happily ever after tale. Well, one ScanMyPhotos customer shared a similar story with us–but with a twist.

Brian Jorgensen and his wife didn’t grow up together in the same sleepy home town. They didn’t share a similar childhood, background, or even culture. But despite their different upbringings, they got together in high school and just recently celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary where Brian pulled together a very special and touching gift for his wife.

“I was looking to scan the print photos I had of my wife and I so I could surprise her with them for our 20th wedding anniversary party. That’s how I found out about ScanMyPhotos—through a Google search.”

What makes this high-school-sweethearts story so unique is that Brian’s wife was a foreign exchange student his senior year of high school so the two had never met prior to the school year–but that certainly didn’t stop the sparks from flying! The two started dating–despite having permanent residences in two different countries–and they have stacks of photos to illustrate their cross-country romance.

[Tweet “The tale of two high school sweethearts–with a twist. “]

“For the anniversary party, I scanned in all of our pictures. Pictures from prom, homecoming, and all of our big moments together from our firstborn baby to the pictures of me going down and visiting her family’s ranch. It was like City Slicker visiting there, I herded thousands of cattle on her ranch in Mexico. Then there were pictures from some of the trips to Paris, London, and the Carribean—we travel a lot so there are a lot of pictures.”

So, Brian set to work, sending in the print photos to ScanMyPhotos and eagerly waited for the digital copies.

“It was easy to work with ScanMyPhotos. I just sent in the pictures. And, actually, I had to expedite the order as it was getting close to the party’s date. So I called up customer service and explained the situation and they told me they’d get it done that day. I thought it was going to be too late but they got it all done. The whole process was crystal clear and just as you expect—and it’s the most affordable option out there.”

[Tweet “The whole process was crystal clear and just as you expect—and it’s the most affordable option out there.”]

The result?

“I made a video for the celebration with music to go with the pictures. Everybody loved it. The party wasn’t a surprise for my wife but the present was. She loved it—there were a lot of happy tears.”

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