5 Fun Photography Project Ideas for Kids

photography project ideasSummer might be winding down, but there is still time to get a few more fun activities in with the kids! We’ve pulled together a list of photography project ideas that will help teach your little ones how to learn composition, exposure, camera settings, and more.


Not only are these projects are great opportunity to teach and learn, but they can be a lot of fun and will result in lasting memories.


Gratitude photo diary


This particular project would be a good one to show off the final results around Thanksgiving. Have your kids photograph all the things they are grateful for in life. The sky is the limit and it can be anything they’re thankful for no matter how big or small. If they’re having trouble thinking of what to shoot, some prompts would include family members, belongings, special places, and even memories. Let your child’s imagination run wild and see what they come back with—the pictures might just surprise you.

[Tweet “Let your child’s imagination run wild and see what they come back with—the pictures might just surprise you.”]

The ABCs through pictures


This project is especially fun for youngsters learning their ABCs. Encourage your little ones to photograph things that start with each letter of the alphabet. For example, photograph an apple tree for A, a bird for B, and so on. They can then create a photo collage to spell different words or names. You can even Photoshop the letters onto each picture and publish an ABC photo book, authored by your little one!


Tell your toy’s story


This photography project idea works to inspire the budding cinematographer in your kids. Have your kids create a scene in their bedroom or take their toys on an adventure. They can even bring the scenes to life by using stop motion. To do so, have them set up a camera on a tripod and snap a photo each time they slightly move a toy. You can use a program like qStopMotion to stitch each photo together to bring the story to life.


Photography scavenger hunt


Create a photography scavenger hunt by choosing a theme and drafting a list of theme-related subjects or scenes you want the kids to find. Think about themes that appeal to your kids, like birthday parties, colors, food, shapes, or sizes.


Make things even more exciting by setting a reasonable deadline. This teaches kids to work under pressure with healthy competition, which is especially useful if they hope to work in photography one day. Just be sure to create a Photographer of the Day certificate for the winner so the kids can be proud of a job well done!


A day in the life


A fun way to capture everyday life is to have your kids photograph the small moments they experience throughout their day. This could be a day at school or on vacation. No matter what aspect of their day they choose, it’s a great way to capture and preserve the real moments of everyday life.

[Tweet “A fun way to capture everyday life is to have your kids photograph the small moments”]

You can also encourage your kids to use this project as an opportunity to focus on another subject. Possible subjects could be a sibling, pet, or even someone they admire. They can then capture a moment of the subject’s day at different increments. You can do this by setting a timer for every hour, and having your kids snap a photo as soon as the timer goes off. They’ll love the anticipation and, at the end of the day, they’ll have a full look into their daily life.


Your little ones are the future and, as important as it is to get them interested in photography now, you need to ensure you’re preserving the past for them. Send your old family print photos to us so we can scan, digitize, and preserve them for your budding photographers.


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