Tales From The Pictures We Saved – Episode 10: Remembering a Lost Son

why to digitize family photo history Welcome to this week’s episode of Tales From the Pictures We Saved. 

We’ve spent the past 26 years helping our customers preserve tens of millions of happy memories, milestones, achievements, and events—all of which have incredible stories behind each photo.


And now we’re eager to share these stories with you.


In this week’s episode, one ScanMyPhotos customer uses her digital photos to honor the beautiful but short life of her son.


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Preview: We snap pictures at the drop of a hat these days. Interesting dinner? Take a picture. Dog in a funny pose? Take a picture. Family snuggled together watching a movie? Take several pictures from every angle imaginable. But while we’re busy taking these pictures, we rarely stop to think about the importance of each one—or how significant and powerful these photos might one day become.

Do you have a photo story to share?

Contact us today and your tale could be featured on an upcoming episode!


This episode features music by Bensound.com. Jackie was voiced by voice over actress Rebecca Boylstein.   

Tune into prior Tales From The Pictures We Saved


Episode 1: The Simple Mistake And The Long Lost Letter

Episode 2: The Last Gift

Episode 3: Remembering the Difference We Can Make

Episode 4: Ain’t Tech Grand?

Episode 5: Preserving Memories and Native American Heritage

Bonus Episode: Must-Hear Tips from Professional Organizer Andrew Mellen

Episode 6: Memories of a Missing Brother

Episode 7: The Hungarian Refugees

Episode 8: The Magic of Undiscovered Photos

Episode 9: How to Supersize Life