How to Get Photos “Back To The Future”

How To Stop Your Pictures From Being Erased From Existence


How to Get Photos "Back To The Future"

Welcome. How do you literally travel back in time? Do you remember the scene with the fictional character and the main protagonist in the 1985 hit film “Back To The Future” where Marty McFly’s group picture of his family was fading away?


Using to digitize old photos is like going back in time, but instead of a DeLorean, you get a box in the mail. No flux capacitor required, just a lot of memories and a little bit of patience. #BackToTheFuture #ScanMyPhotos”

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Why you don’t need a Ouija board or “Back To The Future” DeLorean to travel back in time.


Now, you can literally travel back in time. Just as the family photo in the 1985 hit film was being erased from existence, so too are everyone’s pictures if they aren’t digitally protected.


How can you preserve and revisit your family history from fading away to seeing ancestors from decades past with newly scanned pictures?


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ScanMyPhotos is here helping. And we have a “humblebrag” announcement today, marking a big milestone. The bulk photo scanning business we pioneered just preserved our one billionth picture from our Irvine, California headquarters. We are grateful to all who trusted us, but there is much work ahead as there are 3 1/2 trillion still-analog pictures to scan before they, too, are erased from existence.







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