What is World Backup Month and World Backup Day (March 31)?

Protect Your Photo Memories: Celebrate World Backup Month with ScanMyPhotos.

Why Protect Your Precious Photo Memories: World Backup Day®Digitize your photos on World Backup Day.  Protect your photo memories with our World Backup Day photo scanning offer: Save 50% on almost every scanning service and add-on at ScanMyPhotos.com. At checkout, use promo code: GoDigital


World Backup Day is a yearly observance that reminds people to safeguard their digital records by backing them up. Established in 2011 by an alarmed community of Redditors, it is marked on the 31st of March annually.

The objective of World Backup Day is straightforward – make a copy of your important data before it’s too late. Anything from technical breakdowns, thieving, calamities, and mistakes can lead to data loss, and with a steady backup, the loss of valuable information can be prevented.

What is World Backup Month and World Backup Day (March 31)?

ScanMyPhotos, a pioneering photo scanning service that preserved one billion pictures while not associated with it, is deeply connected to World Backup Day by striving to secure memories and ensure they never go missing. The company has been innovating new photography services since 1990. It provides a broad range of ways to help back up and digitize pictures, such as scanning old photograph albums, slides, negatives, and even home movies.


As technology has become more prevalent, we may forget the physical photo memories that existed before the digital age. Over time, these pictures, slides, and home movies can become lost, deteriorated, or destroyed, taking away your most precious moments with them. It doesn’t have to be this way, though! On this #WorldBackupDay, ScanMyPhotos.com provides a simple solution to ensuring your photo memories are digitally protected and safe for future generations. You can feel secure knowing the most valuable moments will stay with you forever.


1. Analog Photo Memories: Ensure the safety of all your cherished memories by scanning and digitizing them with ScanMyPhotos.com and then backing them up to cloud-based storage options.
2. Valuable Documents: Important papers like birth certificates, passports, and financial records need to be secured by making copies of them in case of accidental loss.
3. Music Library: After investing time and energy in constructing an impressive music library, back it up to avoid any unfortunate losses that may occur due to computer crashes or theft.
4. Address Books: Address books contain contact details of friends, family, and associates that should be preserved with backups.
5. Email: Make a backup of all your web-based email messages to prepare for the worst-case scenario.
6. Social Media Accounts: Your digital footprint is an integral part of your life; take extra precautionary steps and back up your accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other similar websites.
7. Passwords: Although it may be tedious to save multiple passwords, back them up to protect your online security.
8. Computer or Phone Settings: It is essential to keep a backup of any customizations you make to your device to avoid having to redo them.
9. Software Licenses: Store a backup copy of the license key after purchasing any software to help with re-installation.
10. Website Data: If you maintain a website or blog, it is essential to back up all your content and data, including posts, comments, and user information.

Finally, World Backup Day is an imperative reminder to safeguard your essential data and documents. ScanMyPhotos is taking the pledge to help keep memories alive. Nobody should miss out on the opportunity to take preventive measures and back up their data today to prevent any unforeseen catastrophes in the future.

World Backup Day and World Backup Month are crucial reminders to safeguard your cherished memories and essential data. At ScanMyPhotos.com, we understand the importance of preserving your photo memories for generations. That’s why we’re offering an exclusive deal: SAVE up to 50% on our photo scanning services this World Backup Day! Use the promo code GoDigital at checkout to take advantage of this offer.

<< Go Digital. How to get your pictures scanned and backed up >>

What is World Backup Day?

Established in 2011, World Backup Day falls on March 31st annually. It serves as a reminder for everyone to back up their important digital data. Whether it’s photos, documents, music, or more, backing up your data ensures that precious memories are never lost.

Why Choose ScanMyPhotos?

At ScanMyPhotos, we’ve been pioneering photo scanning services since 1990. With over one billion photos digitized, we’re committed to helping you preserve your memories. From scanning old photograph albums, slides, and negatives to home movies, we offer a wide range of services to ensure your memories are safe and secure. Over the years, news stories like this one from USA Today explain why photo scanning is a priority and easier than ever.

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