Protecting Family Photo Memories from Disaster: ScanMyPhotos Safeguards Your Analog Pictures

In today’s PICTURE THIS!, discover how photo archival services like ScanMyPhotos, the nation’s storyteller, helps preserve family history by safeguarding analog pictures from the risks of natural disasters. Learn about the importance of protecting cherished photo memories and the steps you can take to ensure their safety.

Stop this from ever happening again: 

The Impact of Summertime Weather Events on Family Photo Memories:

Climate change is a national story, and as the nation’s storyteller, closely follows summertime weather events, ranging from hurricanes to wildfire disasters. In this article, we delve into the importance of safeguarding your family’s history—those decades of analog pictures—before they become vulnerable to the devastating effects of natural disasters.

David Pogue Wrote Everything You Need to Know About Preparing For Climate Change.

The Growing Threat to Analog Pictures:

With the increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters, it’s crucial to understand the risks faced by your cherished analog pictures. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires, and floods significantly threaten our homes and belongings. Among the most irreplaceable possessions are vintage family photographs, slides, and home movie reels, capturing generations of memories. Unfortunately, these analog pictures risk being lost forever when disaster strikes.

Highlighting the forecasted smoke and wildfire damage, this New York Times article underscores the health risks of poor air quality. It stresses the need for heightened awareness and preventive measures, especially for vulnerable groups. Emphasizing the importance of public health protection, the article calls for proactive actions during wildfire seasons.


This Accuweather article emphasizes safeguarding cherished and irreplaceable photos before a natural disaster strikes. It highlights the vulnerability of physical photo albums and the potential loss of precious memories due to events like hurricanes, floods, or wildfires. The article suggests practical steps to protect these photos, including digitization, creating backups, and storing them securely. By taking proactive measures, individuals can ensure the preservation of their treasured memories in the face of natural disasters.

Preserving Your Photo Memories with ScanMyPhotos: 

ScanMyPhotos, founded in 1990 and which preserved a billion pictures, offers a solution to protect analog pictures from natural disasters’ potential dangers. The company is a pioneer and leading provider of photo digitization services, specializing in preserving analog pictures and transforming them into digital format. By digitizing your family photos, you create a secure and easily accessible backup that can withstand a disaster. The process is simple: you send your pictures to ScanMyPhotos, where their expert technicians carefully scan and digitize each photo. Once digitized, you can have your original photos returned, order upload service from the digital files to your email inbox, a DVD data disk, or an 8GB USB flash drive containing the digital copies.

Why Choose

pledge 300x300 - The ScanMyPhotos Pledge: It's easy. It’s fast. It’s affordable. It’s guaranteed.Here are the reasons why is the ideal choice for preserving your analog pictures.

  1. Expertise and Experience: With over three decades of experience, the ScanMyPhotos technicians are passionate, understand your memories’ value, and handle each picture with the utmost care. There is even a 100% happiness pledge guarantee.
  2. Speed and Efficiency: employs advanced scanning technology, allowing them to process large quantities of photos quickly and efficiently. They offer ScanFast, same-day scanning services, ensuring your memories are safeguarded promptly.
  3. High-Quality Results: The scanning process at ScanMyPhotos ensures the highest possible image quality for your digital copies. They utilize professional-grade scanners and employ rigorous quality control measures to deliver exceptional results.
  4. Peace of Mind: By digitizing your analog pictures with ScanMyPhotos, you gain peace of mind knowing that your cherished memories are protected from the risks of natural disasters. Before ordering, check out the national news profiles.

Heading 5: Take Action Now to Protect Your Family Memories.


Don’t wait for disaster to strike. Take proactive steps to safeguard your family’s analog pictures today:

  1. Assess the Risks: Evaluate the potential threats in your area, such as hurricanes, wildfires, or floods. Understand the vulnerabilities your analog pictures face and the urgency to safeguard them.
  2. Digitize Your Pictures: Contact ScanMyPhotos to begin digitizing your analog pictures. Collect your photos and package them securely for shipping. ScanMyPhotos will guide you through the necessary steps to ensure a smooth and secure process. Their concierge support desk is a click away to answer your questions.
  3. Store Digital Copies Safely: Once you receive your digital copies, store them securely in multiple locations. Consider cloud storage, external hard drives, or online backup services to ensure redundancy and accessibility.