David Pogue Wrote Everything You Need to Know About Preparing For Climate Change

Everything You Need to Know About Preparing For Climate Change


David Pogue, the New York Times bestselling author and “CBS Sunday Morning” Β correspondent, has published the primer on “How to Prepare for Climate Change.” David Pogue is a six-time Emmy Award-winning technology and science correspondent for CBS Sunday Morning, New York Times bestselling author, host of science specials on PBS NOVA, and 2020-trained Climate Reality Leader.


This segment on “CBS Sunday Morning” shares more tips on where to live to protect you from climate disasters like wildfires and hurricane storm surges.


CBS Sunday Morning: People who are driven from their homes by wildfires, floods and hurricanes are seeking areas less ravaged by our worsening climate and rising sea levels. Correspondent David Pogue examines how those with the means are relocating to “climate haven cities,” and visits one city whose mayor boosts its lack of hurricanes and wildfires.



H This 610-page practical guide has loads of tips to plan ahead.


Amazon: In How to Prepare for Climate Change, bestselling self-help author David Pogue offers sensible, deeply researched advice for how the rest of us should start to ready ourselves for the years ahead. Pogue walks readers through what to grow, what to eat, how to build, how to insure, where to invest, how to prepare your children and pets, and even where to consider relocating when the time comes.



(Two areas of the country, in particular, have the requisite cool temperatures, good hospitals, reliable access to water, and resilient infrastructure to serve as climate havens in the years ahead.)



He also provides wise tips for managing your anxiety, as well as action plans for riding out every climate catastrophe, from superstorms and wildfires to ticks and epidemics.


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ORDER TODAY: “Timely and enlightening, How to Prepare for Climate Change is an indispensable guide for anyone who read The Uninhabitable Earth or The Sixth Extinction and wants to know how to make smart choices for the upheaval ahead.”



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