How This Gift Can Help a Loved One Re-live All the Good Times

Lois and her mom

In the daily course of our lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the present and focus on the negativity. Job stresses, personal life issues, bills to pay—the list goes on. But in the back of our mind exists millions of moments that when we recall, will bring an instant smile to our face. This is the magic of what pictures can do, and it’s why ScanMyPhotos customer Lois Thar decided to give the gift of the past to her mother for her 85th birthday.


“Mom’s birthday was coming up and we wanted to digitize her old print photos and create a slideshow for her birthday. We got the idea while we were cleaning up her apartment and found this big box of photos and I was like ‘Oookay, what can I do with these?’”


Lois did a little bit of online research and found ScanMyPhotos while searching for the most affordable option.


“I had been looking for months at various sites. I found the ScanMyPhotos site and called to talk to someone about the process—she was just as nice as could be and very helpful!”


The goal was to get the order completed before her mother’s birthday, but as she was talking to the ScanMyPhotos customer service representative, Lois realized she’d need to rush the order.


“As soon as I explained the situation, ScanMyPhotos assured me that they would get the pre-paid boxes in the mail that afternoon. I received them in mail within a couple days and it gave me even more time to sort through everything. We went through it all and got them all boxed up in time. And I am here to tell you, that was the sweetest feeling when I got those pictures all boxed up and in the mail! I felt this weight lifted from my shoulders. I turned 50 recently and you can ask anyone in my generation what they plan to do with all those printed photos and most won’t have an answer. Scanning them by hand is too expensive and time-consuming. And scrapping is certainly not an option. Best thing is to send them to be scanned.”




So, the real question here is: How did Lois’s mom enjoy her special present?


“We got the DVDs and original photos back at lightning speed, within a week, and managed to get the slideshow together for the party. When mom saw them, she forgot about the rest of us—she was entranced at the photos! She’s since put the digital picture frame on her sewing machine and is not getting any sewing done because she’s too busy staring at the pictures—it’s better than the TV!”


In addition to the wonderful gift Lois gave her mom, now her entire family has access to these precious photos. That alone makes this gift even more priceless.