Before Embarking on World Travel, Family Preserves Precious Photos

Charlotte Kaufman and her family are preparing to embark on a self-manned sailing cruise worldwide – how exciting! But before they leave, they’re getting their affairs in order. Naturally one of the most important items on their list is preserving all their precious photo memories.
She recently had thousands of her photos scanned and digitized by the experts at ScanMyPhotos, and she loves the results! Read her rave review on her blog, Rebel Heart, partially re-posted below, and follow her pre-sailing blog for updates on their upcoming travels: They’re planning to set sail in mid-August. We wish her family safe travels!


Monday, May 7, 2012 at 13:08
What do this photo:

And this photo:

And this photo have in common?

Answer: they were all digitally scanned by Scan My Photos, International. Scan My Photos is a photo and slide scanning service based out of Irvine, California that helps people preserve memories, time, and money by digitally scanning the hard copies of their photos and creating backs up on discs or external hard drives in order to preserve those memories forever.
As we prepare to leave for a world cruise one of the biggest issues we have faced is how to safely preserve keepsakes, like photos, so we don’t have to worry about them while we are gone sailing. Some cruisers rent a storage space and leave treasured photos behind. Paying for a storage space is not in our monthly cruising budget. Others leave important items with family and friends. I have done this before when I lived in Europe and came home to find my boxes placed on the dirt floor of a basement, soaked through with water damage.
Needless to say, I have been looking for a way to ensure that my memories won’t be ruined while I’m gone.
Enter Scan My Photos. I contacted them to see if they’d like to work with me to get my memories safe and secure before we leave for our world cruise. I’m so happy they agreed! In case you are curious about how the process works, I’ve outlined it below based on my own experience.
A couple of [thoughts] on working with Scan My Photos:

    • I loved that they are based in the USA and do all of their work there (some of their competitors ship your photos overseas to scan them).


    • They offer great options like ‘Photo Soap‘, which automatically” fixes” many of the imperfections of older photographs.


  • Even if I hadn’t been preparing for a world cruise, I would have wanted to get this done anyway. When I went through my old photos, I had to peel them out of yellowing photo albums, which would have eventually destroyed the photos. Now I can share the pictures I uploaded online and have my family collaborate to tag, date, and identify everyone in the pictures. Brilliant!