Protect Photographs From Natural Disasters

Protecting Your Precious Memories: A Must-Read for Photo Preservation.

Protecting Your Precious Memories: A Must-Read for Photo Preservation.Welcome to PICTURE THIS! Today, we discuss a vital topic that often goes unnoticed – safeguarding your cherished photographs from the perils of hurricanes, wildfires, and natural disasters. In this article, we’ll dive into why protecting your memories is essential and how ScanMyPhotos can help. Let’s get started. This new Associated Press (AP) article highlights the emotions and urgent need to digitally preserve your photo nostalgia.

Your photographs are invaluable treasures, holding cherished memories. Hurricanes, wildfires, and natural calamities threaten these precious memories. Neglecting photo preservation risks losing a lifetime of memories in an instant. ScanMyPhotos is an expert to help safeguard your photographs. Trusting professional photo scanning services makes the project simple and fun.

HuffPost: “Three Ways to Preserve Your Precious Photos Before Disaster Strikes.

ADVISORY: “Billions of photographs are destroyed each year. Are you prepared?

The Value of Your Photographs

Discover why your photographs can be make safe from natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires.Your photographs are more than just pictures. They’re a treasure trove of memories – from family gatherings and vacations to special moments in your life. These images hold sentimental value that cannot be replaced. The same applies to your 35mm slides, film negatives, and reels of home movies and VHS cassettes.

Start your digitizing project now! 

The Unseen Threats

Natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires can strike when least expected. Your photographs risk being lost forever if they’re not properly protected. Don’t underestimate the power of these events to wipe out your precious memories.

ScanMyPhoto – Your Photo Preservation Partner

As your trusted photo archivist since 1990, we understand the importance of preserving your photo memories. We offer various digital preservation services that can help you safeguard your photographs for future generations.

How to Prepare for a Wildfire: 10 Essential Steps, via Redfin.

Photo Scanning Services

Our state-of-the-art scanning services can digitize your physical photos, ensuring that even if disaster strikes, your memories are safe as digital keepsakes.

Take Action Today

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Take proactive steps to protect your photographs. This new Associated Press (AP) feature on ScanMyPhotos profiles the emotions of why five of our customers finally decided to get it done. Your photographs hold the key to countless cherished moments. Protecting them from natural disasters ensures that these memories will be passed down through generations. Remember, is here to help you on this critical journey.

Protecting cherished, irreplaceable photos before a natural disaster strikes is paramount. After a major storm or catastrophe, returning home to find property damage and precious family photos ruined by mud, rain, or floodwater is a heart-wrenching reality. ScanMyPhotos President and CEO, Mitch Goldstone, reveals that over 2 billion images could be lost following a single disaster, as the average household has around 5,500 still analog photo snapshots. Digitizing photos by scanning and uploading them to the cloud, an external drive, or a flash drive is a simple yet vital preventive measure. Services like make this process easy, ensuring memories remain safe.

Forbes: “A fantastic online photo digitizing service.”

The Time To Digitize Photos is Before a Wildfire or Hurricane Strikes