Photo Study Reveals 81 Percent Of All Pictures Digitized Used For Social Media Sharing

150dpi Photo Scanning Is The New Norm

Today, announced the results of a 3 month study of 940 consumers who had their pictures digitized. The results of their top use is no surprise, as 81% of all analog photos scanned are just used for social media sharing.

Archiving and photo preservation has taken a less aggressive role, as people are mostly using pictures to share.  The takeaway is that the once standard 600 dpi high resolution quality is not as necessary today.

The Race To Digitize Pictures Is On

This is big news for Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and the leading photo-sharing app, Google Photos. Most people were just uploading recent pictures captured from smartphone devices, yet there are 3 1/2 trillion analog snapshots which are not yet digitized. With the advent of bulk photo scanning, the race to digitize has taken on new urgency and dimensions.

DPI (Dots Per Inch) or PPI (Pixels Per Inch) relates to the number of device pixels per inch (pixel density). The higher the number, the smaller the size of the pixels, so graphics are perceived as more crisp and less pixelated. Good quality printing uses around 300dpi which is higher than most displays. But, most smartphone devices, messaging apps, like WhatsApp, and computer monitors demand a much lower and often compressed file size.

Therefore, for the 81% of people just digitizing pictures, today, the new norm is 150dpi. provides all three services, from social media scanning at 150dpi, to 300 dpi for archival scanning, and the ultra high professional 600dpi quality scanning. If you are not enlarging your pictures, most people just need 150 or 300dpi scans today.

Details and how to order 150, 300, and 600dpi professional scans are provided at