Divorce, Photos, and Procrastination: Why Waiting 20 Years Saves the Day

ScanMyPhotos customer Trudy Arnold faced the same awful choice as many parents when she got divorced: What to do with all of those cherished family photos?

As it turns out – nothing, at least, not for a long, long time. As she explained, “Twenty years ago when my children’s father and I divorced, it got down to the family photos, and neither of us could go through them at that moment. We put it in the terms of our agreement that’d we’d revisit them at a different time.”

Well, procrastination worked in her favor. Fast forward to last summer when she bought a ScanMyPhotos Groupon. Trudy knew she had 6 months to get her photos together, and that deadline turned out to be the best thing ever. Her 3 grown children, their dad and Trudy all got all of the photos.

We know divorce is a difficult, exhausting process with lots of moving parts. However, we like to think we can make it a little bit easier by helping you preserve and share your photos, just like we did for Trudy. In her words, here’s how we made her life easier:

“ScanMyPhotos was thorough. Although the instructions had been abundantly clear on what I needed to do, I neglected to sign a paper. They were quick and sent an email and let me know how I could fix the situation. I think another company might just have rejected the box and sent it back. That little touch of ‘Hey, stuff happens, here’s the remedy, let’s fix it’ was courteous and efficient. They couldn’t have made it simpler and more straightforward.

“Once I got the photos back and saw how amazing they look – you can see everything so much more clearly, and on a big screen it looks wonderful. I am so thrilled with the quality and efficiency of doing it that way. I am so happy with how it all turned out and just the ability to say we all get all of them – it removes that emotional sting from getting half a pile.

“The detail you can see is phenomenal. Even on some of the pictures that had faded, you can see so much more in them than you could just looking at the printed image. The scanning really enhanced the images.

“It turned out to be such a nostalgic project for me in a really sweet way. It helped me to remember that we really did have tons of family and friends. There were birthday parties, our annual trips to the beach, Disneyland, and a few random shots here and there taken around the house. It helped me remember stories that I want to write down, but it really helped focus some of my memories in a fun way.”


Of course, you don’t need to wait 20 years to enjoy the same great experience Trudy did. Send us your photos today, and enjoy the ScanMyPhotos experience tomorrow!