Thanks, Michelle: Another Rave

This is what 20-yrs in the photo business gets. Thanks Michelle! Link to “See Michelle Blog”.


Back in September, I shared my experience using ScanCafe. I was really upset to have only 67 pictures (out of about 250+) scanned. They deemed all but 67 of the negatives “damaged” and unable to be scanned. I was sad and disappointed

Then I checked my secondary email account and found an amazing offer from They saw my blog review and offered to scan my negatives free of charge. The customer service rep (Bryan) said that although ScanCafe was a competitor, they wanted to make sure that my memories could be preserved and asked that I send my negative to them and they would try to scan them. This email was sent in September. I didn’t read the email until November! And of course, my frantic self could not find those negatives for the life of me. I was so upset….again.

I emailed back and said that while I would love to accept their offer, I could not find the negatives but I appreciated their kind and generous offer. And then I forgot about it until one day, when I opened a drawer in my house and what was there? The bag of negatives, still in place from when they were mailed back to me from ScanCafe. I jumped on the computer, emailed Bryan and asked if he would still honor his email. He got right back to me and said yes!

I mailed them on Monday December 27, they arrived in Irvine, CA on Wednesday December 29 and the cd arrived in my mailbox Monday January 3. He promised a quick turnaround and he was right! I was nervous and not expecting much. ScanCafe said they were damaged so I thought maybe all the same pictures would be scanned.

I was wrong. 265 pictures. Perfectly scanned. Clear as day. I nearly started crying. I spent the night uploading all the pictures to my flickr account, sorting them into sets and this weekend I will get started on the project that I was hoping to have done by Christmas., you guys rock. I can’t thank you enough for this amazing gift. In the future, if I need negatives scanned, I will only be using your company and I will pass on this review to others so they know about your awesome services.