Customer Profile: "Digitized Your Memory"

Thanks to Grace Lin’s blog “Syncing up with Reality” and her customer profile on the recent experience. After 18 years in business, there is nothing sweeter than comments like this from the “Syncing up with Reality” blog posting with same scanned pictures:

    • “Check out this cool online service You send in your pictures, and they scan them and save them on a DVD for you. It’s a very simple process! The service is really as described on the website. It is easy, straightforward, and, most importantly, very fast. Within a week, I receive my box of pictures back with a DVD. However, expect the quality of a scanned image, that is, if you have ever scanned a picture yourself. You know the quality is NOT the same as a digital camera picture.
    • I have wanted to do this for many years. The need to “scale down” my belongings while packing for the move to Hawaii pushed me to do this. The deal gets better. If you have a Facebook, a blog, Flickr, or Myspace account, you can write about the service (as I am doing now) at those places and receive this special offer of scanning up to 1,000 4×6 pictures for the price of $19.99. That is a great deal. That is what I did. However, I paid extra $19.99 to have my pictures scanned in certain order. Those who know me know that I have all my pictures organized chronically since 1992, the year I first arrived in Houston. I want my digitized pictures in chronological order as well. In addition, ScanMyPhotos will send back your pictures and the DVD via UPSP priority mail, but you do need to send in the pictures yourself. I spent about $19.00 for a box of 1,000 4×6 pictures. The total at the end adds up to about $60.00. I think that is the money worth spending!
  • I am very happy with this service and would highly recommend it to you. Of course, if you are younger than me, all you know about pictures is digital, so you don’t need this service. This service is for people who still keep old-fashioned photos.(The pictures shared are from my first and only road trip to Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon in the summer of 1993.)