Lost Photos? How to Recover Your Nostalgic Family Photo History?

Pictures are not just lost to natural disasters like these were, sometimes they just get overlooked. Lost Photos? How to Recover Your Nostalgic Family Photo History?

Thanks to this human interest Washington Post feature by contributor Cathy Free, it is a lesson for everyone. “Stacks of portraits were abandoned when a photo company closed. A man brought them home and reunited families with their photos.”

Whether it is from a shuttered local portrait studio or boxes of pictures in your musty basement being lost to the ravages of time, each tells a story. The people in those pictures must be preserved, their history, adventures, and lives.

Excerpt on how pictures were reunited with their owners:

“My heart sank every time I looked at the pile,” said Bononi, 39. “I knew that those photos meant a lot to the people who were in them and that they’d be gone forever if I didn’t do something.”


Bononi could do his job and leave, and nobody would know he had come across the abandoned portraits, he said. Or he could try to reunite people with their photos.


At ScanMyPhotos, we hear similar stories each day from family archivists who are rediscovering their own history. The best tip is to gather, scan, save offsite, and share those memories. To help, ScanMyPhotos.com created a concierge support desk for extra personalization and a new 50% discount for digitizing pictures.

Memories in a shoebox: Digitizing old photos unlocks a flood of mixed emotions — CNET

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