Report Debunks Storing Photos in Shoeboxes, Will Lead to Damage and Decay

Photo Archival Expert Warns Against Shoebox Photo Storage: Why it is Outdated, risky, and Ineffective:

Why never to store photographs in shoeboxes

As photo archival specialists, we caution against using shoeboxes to store photographs. Those cardboard boxes will cause irreversible damage and decay to your archives of pictures. In the digital era, photographs capture our most precious moments, which must be preserved for eternity. Unfortunately, many individuals still opt for inadequate methods like shoeboxes for photo storage. This article examines why this practice is outdated, unsafe, and ineffective, and recommends photo scanning services like ScanMyPhotos as the ideal way to protect and preserve your memories.

As an expert in archiving photos and digital de-cluttering, I have encountered countless shoeboxes stuffed with beloved memories. Though boxes provide the perfect refuge for sneakers and other footwear, they are not suitable for protecting the valuable photographic history of our lives. This PICTURE THIS! article investigates why shoeboxes and other storage systems is not be the optimal solution, and why utilizing ScanMyPhotos to digitalize photos is the most reliable and effective method.

So, let’s bid farewell to shoeboxes as makeshift photo vaults and embrace the digital age. Instead of using shoeboxes to store photographs, let’s embrace digital technology. Liberate your pictures from their temporary containers and treat them with the respect and appreciation they deserve. Your future self will be immensely grateful when you quickly look up and protect those precious memories. It’s time to liberate your photos from their cardboard prisons and give them the love and attention they deserve. Trust me, your future self will thank you when you effortlessly search and forever safeguard those memories.

As professional photo archivists, we compiled this list to break bad habits and properly store and preserve old photographs and slides. Here are five habits to keep in mind when managing your collection:
1. Storing in Unsafe Environments: Extreme conditions can harm photos and slides, such as discoloration, fading, or deterioration. To avoid such damages, store them in a cool, dry, and stable place away from direct sunlight, heat sources, or moisture.
2. Using Poor-Quality Storage Materials: Using acid or lignin-containing papers, plastic sleeves, or albums can cause irreparable damage to photographs and slides over time. Opt for archival-quality materials that are acid-free, lignin-free, and made of inert materials, such as polyester, polypropylene, or polyethylene.
3. Neglecting Proper Handling Techniques: It’s essential to refrain from touching the surface of photographs and slides, and to handle them by the edges or use clean, lint-free cotton gloves when necessary. Keeping a clean workspace free of clutter will prevent accidental spills or damage.
4. Lack of Organization and Labeling: It can be challenging to locate images when needed without proper organization and labeling. Create a systematic method for grouping and categorizing photos and slides, such as by subject, date, or any other relevant criteria. Label folders, sleeves, or boxes with relevant information, and use acid-free archival-quality materials for storage.
5. Failure to Create Backup Copies: Always digitize your photo collections. Without a backup set of photographs, your collection risks getting lost, damaged, or deteriorating due to the ravages of time. Creating digital backups of your photos and slides is essential by scanning them at high resolution and storing them on multiple secure devices or cloud storage. Don’t forget to update the backups regularly to ensure the preservation of your valuable photo collections.

Using shoeboxes for photo storage leads to disarray and frustration when finding a specific picture. Without proper organization, you will spend hours searching for a particular photo, and this disorganization also make it challenging to pass down your photo legacy to future generations.

Why Storing Photos in Shoeboxes Will Lead to Damage and DecayYou wouldn’t iron your socks for a casual day at home, use a chainsaw to trim your bonsai tree, try to charge your phone by rubbing it vigorously, open a can of soda with a sledgehammer, or use a tennis racket as a fly swatter. Nor should you use a shoebox to store your pictures. You wouldn’t store your valuable jewelry in a kitchen drawer, leave your passport in an unsecured desk drawer, use a plastic bag to store your collection of antique stamps, keep antique books on a bookshelf in a damp basement, store delicate fabrics and clothing in a musty attic without proper protective covers, storing your collection of antique cameras in a damp garage without climate control, pack important legal documents in a basement that is prone to flooding.

Okay, you get the idea.

When it comes to archiving and storing your decades-past photo snapshots, 35mm slides, and reels of home movie film, it doesn’t make sense to use shoeboxes to store your collection of family history. Storing photos in a shoebox is a bad idea for several reasons. Firstly, shoeboxes are not designed for long-term photo storage. They lack proper protection against light, humidity, and physical damage. Shoeboxes are typically made of cardboard, which quickly deteriorates–potentially exposing your photos to dust, moisture, and pests.

Additionally, shoeboxes are often stored in less-than-ideal conditions, such as basements, attics, or garages, where temperature and humidity fluctuations further damages your photos. On the other hand, digitizing your archives of photo memories at a professional photo archival service offers a more practical, innovative, and straightforward solution for preserving your cherished memories.


Photo Archival Expert Warns Against Shoebox Photo Storage: Why it is Outdated, risky, and Ineffective:Shoeboxes: Where Photos Go to Get Lost.

Now, let’s be clear: shoeboxes have one purpose and one purpose only—to house our beloved shoes or sneakers. I repeat they are not equipped to handle the responsibility of safeguarding our precious memories.

Shoebox Time Warp: Did you ever wonder why time slows down when searching for that specific photo in a shoebox? It’s because shoeboxes can manipulate time, causing minutes to stretch into hours and hours to stretch into eternity. Trust me. There are far better ways to enjoy the passing of time, like watching paint dry or counting blades of grass.

Photos vs. Shoes: Photos are delicate, sentimental artifacts that capture moments frozen in time. On the other hand, shoes have the sole purpose (pun intended) of being worn and trampled on. It’s like expecting a lion to babysit a flock of sheep. Simply put, photos and shoes are not meant to coexist in the same habitat. Let each fulfill its destiny independently.

Shoebox Heist: There’s no denying that shoeboxes are incredibly sneaky. They have a knack for hiding our most treasured photos when we need them. They’ve formed a secret alliance with the missing sock gang, plotting to drive us to the brink of insanity. Don’t fall for their cunning ways—give your photos a fighting chance to be seen!

The Under-Bed Bermuda Triangle: You know that mysterious abyss underneath your bed? It’s a black hole where photo albums and memories are banished to vanish into thin air. One minute they’re there, and the next, poof! Gone without a trace. It’s like your bed harbors a supernatural force that feeds on memories. Don’t let your photos become part of the bed monster’s buffet.

The Dusty Attic Abyss: Ah, the attic—a timeless vault of forgotten treasures and creepy crawlies. People often stash their precious photos in dusty boxes, where they coexist with spiders, ghosts, and the remnants of that one failed DIY project. Your photo memories deserve better than a life sentence in the haunted attic.

The Moldy Basement Catacombs: Picture this—a dank, musty basement with walls covered in green fuzz. That’s the place where some unfortunate souls choose to keep their photo collections. Moisture and mold become your photo’s worst enemies, turning them into psychedelic art pieces with respiratory hazards. It’s a no-go zone for your precious memories!

As your digital superhero and magical digital time machine, we are here to help–swooping in to digitize your photos and save them in the cloud and on flash drives. Say goodbye to the era of shoebox chaos and hello to the convenience of scanned memories. Plus, you’ll no longer need to worry about floods, fires, or alien invasions destroying your precious memories—unless the aliens are really into photography.

Here are several reasons why to digitize your pictures rather than store them away in shoeboxes:

Preservation: Digitizing your photos ensures their long-term preservation. By converting them into digital format, you eliminate the risk of physical damage, such as fading, tearing, or loss due to accidents or natural disasters.

Accessibility and Sharing: Once your photos are digitized, you can access them anytime, anywhere, using various devices such as computers, smartphones, or tablets. Digitized photos can be easily shared with friends and family through email, social media, or cloud storage platforms.

Organization and Searchability: Digital photos can be easily organized, tagged, and categorized, making it convenient to locate specific images. With digital archives, you can search for photos based on dates, people, or keywords, saving you time and effort compared to manually sifting through physical prints.

Enhanced Preservation: Professional digitization services like ScanMyPhotos use high-quality scanning equipment and techniques to ensure the accurate reproduction of your photos. They employ archival-grade materials and digitize your photos at high resolutions, capturing the finest details and colors, and preserving the essence of your original images.

Restoration and Editing: Digital photos offer the advantage of easy restoration and editing. can help repair and enhance damaged or faded photos, removing scratches, reducing noise, and adjusting color balance to restore their original quality.

Space and Clutter Reduction: Digitizing your photos eliminates the need for physical storage space, freeing up your home from clutter and reducing the risk of damage from improper storage methods.

Backup and Security: Digital photos can be easily backed up to multiple locations, such as external hard drives, cloud storage, or DVDs. This ensures that even if one copy is lost or damaged, you can always retrieve your photos from another source, providing added security and peace of mind.

Future-Proofing: Technology constantly evolves, and physical formats like prints or negatives may become obsolete. By digitizing your photos, you future-proof your memories, ensuring they can be accessed and enjoyed by future generations.

Overall, digitizing your photo archives with a reputable service like ScanMyPhotos offers a practical, smarter, and easier way to preserve and safeguard your photo memories for years. It allows you to enjoy your photos in a digital format while protecting them from physical damage, ensuring their accessibility, and enabling easy sharing and organization.

While shoeboxes are commonly used, they are not the only inappropriate storage option for photo memories. Here are some other devices that fall short.

Plastic Bags or Envelopes: They may seem convenient for storing photos, but they offer minimal protection against environmental factors and can lead to moisture accumulation, which damages the photos over time.

Albums with Sticky Pages: At first, those may have seemed like a good idea, but the glue used can harm your photos. Over time, the adhesive can discolor, stick, and even tear your precious memories.

Ten reasons why shoeboxes are for shoes and not for storing photographs:

  1. Shoeboxes are to shoes what a camera is to photographs. Just as a camera captures moments, shoeboxes serve their purpose by accommodating shoes.
  2. Storing photographs in a shoebox is like wearing flip-flops to a formal event. They are both mismatched and don’t serve their intended purpose.
  3. Using a shoebox for storing photographs is like using a wrench to fix a leaking faucet. They are not designed for that task and won’t yield the desired results.
  4. Shoeboxes and photographs are like puzzle pieces from different puzzles. They don’t fit together, and using them interchangeably would create confusion.
  5. Choosing a shoebox for storing photographs is akin to using a bicycle for deep-sea diving. Both are ill-suited for the task at hand and won’t provide the necessary functionality.
  6. Storing photographs in a shoebox is like using a screwdriver to hammer a nail. The tools are mismatched, and the outcome will not be optimal.
  7. Shoeboxes and photographs are like different chapters in a book. While shoeboxes represent the footwear chapter, photographs require a dedicated storage solution by getting them digitized.
  8. Shoeboxes are designed to keep shoes organized, just as a filing cabinet is designed to keep documents in order. Attempting to store photographs in a shoebox would be like using a filing cabinet for clothes—it just doesn’t work over the long term.
  9. Using a shoebox for storing photographs is like using a toothbrush to paint a masterpiece. They are meant for different purposes.
  10. Shoeboxes and photographs are like different ingredients in a recipe. While shoeboxes fulfill their role for footwear, photographs require their own designated storage solution.