Join the Photo Revolution with ScanMyPhotos and Share the Magic!

Be a Memory Preservation Hero: Recommend ScanMyPhotos — The Best Gift You Can Give!

In appreciation for your help, enjoy and share this scanning savings code of up to 50 percent off: BestieBonus50

Be a Memory Preservation Hero: Recommend ScanMyPhotos
Recommend ScanMyPhotos.


Welcome to the magical world of ScanMyPhotos, where treasured photo memories are brought back to life! We value your referrals to share our passion for preserving the nation’s history. In this Picture This blog post, we’ll explore why you should recommend ScanMyPhotos and become a ‘Memory Preservation Hero’ to inspire others to preserve their priceless photo memories. Your gift code to share so everyone saves up to 50 percent is posted below.

Sample Review from an Associated Press Reporter and Five of Our Customers

Associated Press story on why to digitize pictures and the story.

Why Recommend ScanMyPhotos

Even if you haven’t gone digital with your photos, we strongly encourage you to recommend ScanMyPhotos to those who haven’t taken the plunge. Our archival services have preserved one billion pictures since way back in 1990 to help people organize and safeguard their cherished photo memories. Your advocacy will inspire others to protect their precious photos.

How to Be a Memory Preservation Hero

To become a cheerleader advocate for ScanMyPhotos, here’s what you can do:

  1. Share Your Positive Experiences: Spread the word about our services on your favorite social media platforms, personal blogs, and review websites.
  2. Reconnect with Loved Ones: By recommending ScanMyPhotos it’s an excuse to reconnect with relatives and friends through phone calls and emails.
  3. Offer Assistance: Be there to guide others in protecting their photo history, and don’t forget to provide them with our special discount of up to 50% to make it even more appealing [Promo code: BestieBonus50].
  4. Engage in Conversations: Discuss the importance of preserving photo memories and explain how ScanMyPhotos is a smart game-changer, digitizing pictures this quickly and professionally scanning 35mm slides.

By taking these steps, you have the opportunity to be a superhero of sentiment. Promoting ScanMyPhotos will help your friends and family rediscover a treasure trove of memories, turning you into their go-to tour guide and spreading joy to everyone you introduce to our services.

The BestieBonus50 — Save up to 50 percent. 

Remember to use and share our “BestieBonus50” discount, which saves up to 50% on all digitization services (excluding FGC and add-on services). Type the code at checkout when placing orders.

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Ready to Make a Difference

Imagine being part of a movement that revives nostalgia and cherished memories. That’s precisely what we’re doing at ScanMyPhotos, and we invite you to join us on this essential archival journey. You become a memory alchemist when you share the story of our magical digital time machine. By referring us, you’re giving the gift of time travel, allowing your loved ones to revisit their past.

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Championing Stories and Memories

You can become a champion of stories, reliving nostalgic family tales and helping others declutter and create an organized digital haven for their memories.

Join the Revolution

Join the ScanMyPhotos revolution and make memories last forever! By promoting the fun of digitizing decades-past photos, slides, film negatives, and home movie reels, you can help friends and family rediscover their cherished memories. Share the magic of turning old photos into digital gold and become a beacon of nostalgia in the lives of those you care about.

In a world where genuine happiness is a priceless gift, sharing the joy of ScanMyPhotos is a gesture that keeps giving, creating smiles and treasured moments that last a lifetime.