#CES2024 business owners are eligible for ScanMyPhotos’ led historic $5.5 billion settlement to benefit millions of businesses

ScanMyPhotos‘ $5.5 billion settlement against Visa and Mastercard for exorbitant merchant interchange payment fees stands as a beacon for small businesses, a ‘David vs. Goliath’ moment in the payment card industry. This landmark victory isn’t just about a financial windfall; it’s a significant win for millions of businesses burdened by excessive credit and debit card fees.

CES News: Discover the updates on our landmark $5.5 billion settlement against the payment card industry.

#CES2024 business owners are eligible for ScanMyPhotos' led historic $5.5 billion settlement to benefit millions of businessesSmall Business Crusade: How ScanMyPhotos Secured a $5.5B Victory Against Payment Giants


  1. ScanMyPhotos achieved a groundbreaking $5.5 billion settlement against Visa and Mastercard, marking an 18-year battle for fair payment card industry practices.
  2. Their advocacy empowers businesses of all sizes to effortlessly claim their rightful share, simplifying the process and warning against unnecessary intermediaries.
  3. This landmark victory impacts millions of businesses, including many attending #CES2024, offering relief from excessive payment processing fees and ensuring fair compensation distribution.

At CES, amidst the clamor for the latest tech innovations, the overlooked story lies in how ScanMyPhotos’ victory resonates with countless attendees who are business owners themselves. This settlement isn’t exclusive to a select few; it’s a chance for businesses of all sizes, including those present at CES, to claim their rightful share and alleviate the weight of excessive payment processing fees.

For business owners attending CES, this news represents more than just a legal victory; it’s a beacon of hope and a chance to rectify financial disparities within the industry, resonating deeply with their daily operational struggles.

This story is crucial at CES because it shines a light on the potential benefits for the business community. ScanMyPhotos, through their relentless advocacy and perseverance over 18 years, has secured a substantial settlement and embarked on a mission to ensure that all eligible businesses participate in claiming what is rightfully theirs.

Their project aims to simplify the claims process and empower small businesses, often overlooked in such settlements, to access their compensation effortlessly. This resonates deeply with the CES audience, many of whom run small or medium-sized enterprises and have felt the impact of such fees on their operational costs.

ScanMyPhotos’ initiative holds immense importance at CES because it addresses the challenges businesses face today. Amidst pandemic-related hurdles, supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, and inflation, the support offered by this settlement becomes even more meaningful.

Their efforts to educate and warn against unnecessary intermediaries, ensuring businesses aren’t misled into relinquishing their rights or paying exorbitant fees to claim what’s rightfully theirs, stand as a beacon of guidance and empowerment.

<< Discover more about ScanMyPhotos.com and how to go digital >>

At CES, where tech innovation often dominates headlines, ScanMyPhotos’ story stands out as a reminder that amidst groundbreaking gadgets and futuristic technologies, there exists a real-world battle for fairness and financial relief for businesses. It’s a story of resilience, empowerment, and justice that speaks directly to the experiences and struggles of many attendees, making it one of the most significant narratives at the event.

Reporting on ScanMyPhotos’ journey and their ongoing efforts to maximize claims for small businesses sheds light on a monumental victory. It serves as a call to action for business owners at CES and beyond. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and claiming their share in this historic settlement, ensuring a fair and equitable distribution that benefits the business community.


  1. Call the official court-authorized claims support toll-free number: 1-800-625-6440;
  2. Write to: Payment Card Interchange Fee Settlement, P.O. Box 2530, Portland, OR 97208-2530;
  3. Email: [email protected];
  4. Official court-approved website: https://www.paymentcardsettlement.com;
  5. Let us know if you have/haven’t received your claim form or have any questions. Connect with us on Twitter (X): @ScanMyPhotosc.