Browse All Your Scanned Photos With

Smart way to browsing your photos

We recommend an easy way to sift through your scanned photos. Because our average photo scan order is about 5,000 pictures, viewing the images can be time-consuming and frustrating. A useful solution is Cooliris, a streamlined way to browse through visual content.

Cooliris makes a program that plugs into a browser and changes the way search results for photos and videos on sites like YouTube, Google Images and Flickr are presented. It fills your monitor with a wall of thumbnail images to view all at once, eliminating the need to click through dozens or hundreds of images one at a time. It’s easy to scroll along to see more images. Clicking on an image makes it fill the screen; clicking again restores the thumbnail wall. The program also can be used to scroll through the photos stored on your computer or directly from our provided DVD data discs.

View Photos from Your Computer. Up until now Cooliris has been an almost exclusively online experience. Now you can search through the My Computer icon and be able to access any of your image galleries in Cooliris, wherever they’re hiding – your Hard Drive, Desktop, iPhoto, My Pictures, et cetera!

Share Your Media Experience with Friends and Family!

Surfing through photos and videos with Cooliris allows users to keep up with the latest news, entertainment, and albums from family and friends. But until now, there’s been no way for users to share their best finds with their social circle.

According to their website, Cooliris version 1.8 features a great new addition: Sharing! Create a login in a matter of seconds, and you’ll be able to send photos and videos to anyone you want! In no time, your friends and relatives will find themselves at your newly-made media collection, complete with your commentary!

How does it happen? Just use the sharing button (envelope icon) to create a new message. While surfing the web with Cooliris, drag and drop as many pictures and videos as you like. Then write a few words to your contacts, click Send, and you’re done!

Now Cooliris’s 3D Wall is the fastest way to search, view, AND share media. And that’s not all that has changed in version 1.8. There’s never been a better time to use Cooliris. You can download the latest build from, see the world with Discover, and start sharing multimedia with friends and family!

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